2010-05-03:Despite all of our recent meltdown problems, these pictues are Chernobyl free on account of how
when there's a meltdown, the best thing to do is run away in lieu of documenting that event for posterity.
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Niklas and Buddy Bear enjoy some downtime. I also enjoy downtime, I'm just not in the picture.

Here's Niklas excited about his upcoming skating lesson. That, uh, didn't last long.

Niklas can hit a baseball much further than he can hit a golfball. I'm pretty sure science says that's not right.

Niklas's backseat driving is excellent. "That sign says to be careful, Daddy."

This picture reminds me of Soviet propaganda. Except for the standing in a bucket thing, I guess.

Niklas practices his quick-draw stance down by the harbor. Draw, geese!