May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
January 2010
December 2009
November 2009
October 2009
September 2009

May 2010
April 2010
March 2010
February 2010
January 2010
December 2009
November 2009
October 2009
September 2009
Well, here we are in March and I'm still updating the January page [Edit - Fixed it. I'll be careful not to break my arm patting myself
on the back]. Lest you think I'm the laziest person known to man, I'll mention that
when Niklas and I were in Indianapolis visiting Andrya (who's still stuck there for work) over the weekend, we saw two different houses that
still had their Christmas lights up and, for some reason, plugged in. Anyway, I should be able to straigten things out site wise (and put
some long overdue pictures up) in the next couple of days. I do have some work stuff to do, but I'm feeling a slacking coming on.
Right, then. Niklas. Like I said, we were in Indy over the weekend. Niklas was thrilled to have some mommy time after a week of trying
to show Andrya various things while talking to her on the phone. On Saturday, Andrya had to go into the office, so Niklas and I went to
Monkey Joe's with is like the Pump It Up, but with a purple monkey mascot (thanks to Josh for the recommendation). Niklas had a fabulous time
climbing on, jumping off of and sliding down massive pieces of inflatableness. A fine time was had by all.
So, first thing's first, here are some new pictures. Other than posing for very few
pictures, Niklas hasn't been doing a whole lot lately. We've been swimming, skating and drumming, but I think being cooped up all winter is
starting to get to him and the random fits he's been throwing have made a few recent activities either brief or unpleasant. Luckily, the
weather has been nice the last few days and we were able to go to the playground, which I think did him a lot of good.
Yesterday, Minal, Rajan and Jai came by for dinner. Niklas had a fabulous time playing with Jai, who's a couple of years older than him. There
were emergencies that required Matchbox fire trucks, some nerf basketball playing and whole lot of general running around being loud. A fine
time was had by all.
Niklas and I have been embarking on some home improvement projects of late. There's been a bunch of stuff piling up for a while, but I've
been taking advantage of the baby's currently unoccupied room to stash anything that can be put off for any amount of time. Sadly, Niklas's
uncle Eric was up last weekend to paint Miss Purple's room (the walls were a dark brown, which Niklas actually... put, I guess, on his baby room
walls once), so all the stuff we've slacking on got drug out. On the plus side, I no longer have to worry about Niklas decapitating himself by
turning on his ceiling fan and climbing up on his top bunk. Niklas helped out by measuring everything in the general vicinity of where we were
working and pounding on nigh everything in the house with his plastic hammer. It's also possible that he picked up some colorful language,
but I can't (won't) confirm that.
Niklas has been in a much better mood lately since he's been able to take his running amok outside. The other day at the playground, I think he
climbed about forty flights worth of stairs during a solid twenty minutes of repeat sliding. He was also unnaturally excited about climbing
up to the roof the other day, so there was that.
