2010-02-Definitely Sometime in February, Not March: At long last, here are some pictures of Niklas
in February of 2010. Just so we're clear, the picture taking issue is one of iPhone's craptastic camera capabilities, not of my laziness. (The
fact that we have a perfectly good stand alone camera that I've used for the past three months does not impact my air tight reasoning. AIR TIGHT.)
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

This is Niklas's first time on the ice with a hockey stick. He's already a better puck handler than I am, but that says
more about me than him.

Here's Niklas working on his drive. He's got some work to do with this.


Here's Niklas enjoying some ice cream at the Firkin & Pheasant which he prefers to the Goose Island even though that's just crazy.

Speed King Niklas takes the next logical step at the Indianapolis Children's Museum.

Niklas loves both front loading and rapid hand waving.

Here's Niklas applying his knowledge of 400 years of Bermudian fort engineering to our couch.

Niklas takes a break at Monkey Joe's bouncey house emporium. Why are there no action shots, you ask? That dude is fast. That's why.
Also, here's the cardboard WALL-E that Niklas and I made.
