2010-04-26:So, here are some pictures of Niklas's recent exploits. You'll note that there aren't any
skating pictures. This is because watching little kids fall down repeatedly is too funny to risk missing by messing with a camera. The kids have
all been getting better, though, so maybe I'll get some this week.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Here's Niklas lounging with a dumptruck.

This is Niklas saying "cheese". His terrible fake smile reminds me of my sister's. I don't have an example of it,
but I'm reputable on this.

Niklas checks to see if the police are still following him.

After ditching his getaway bike, Niklas escapes using his climbing skills that he honed on the rocks of Bermuda.

In the tradition of all great villains, Niklas takes off for his orbiting satellite of menace.

Niklas isn't talking to the press today. Sock Monkey will be taking any and all questions.

Do you think you can imagine how much racket is being generated here? YOU CANNOT!

Here's Niklas Indiana Jonesing it up at the Children's Museum.

Niklas is getting acclimated to the local beach.

This is me, Niklas and a bunch of wind.

This is an example of addition by subtraction.

This is Niklas pondering some modern art.

Niklas is getting a massive jump on his Christmas pageant auditioning.

Despite all evidence to the contrary, I assure you that Niklas and I are quite active most of the time.

Here's Niklas playgrounding it up at the ol' playground.

Here he is on some sort of climbing thing.


After an exciting morning of playground action, Niklas likes to relax with a book while taking up way too much of the couch.

Destinkification is a good time for Niklas.