2009-06-28: So, I've finally added a June pictures page, just in time for July. Timely! As always, work, out of town,
lazy, etc. Anyway, here's a bunch of stuff from our trip back to the states bookended by some random Bermudiana.
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Here's Niklas and his friend Liam making a pretend cake for Liam's mom, who Niklas has a not so pretend crush on.
Niklas towels himself off after a trip to the pool. I don't have a towel that awesome.
Here's Niklas enjoying a post-haircut lollipop.
And here's what happens when the sugar hits his brain.
When in Bermuda, Niklas recommends David Hope
for your haircutting and lollipop supplying needs.
Niklas "Headcrusher" Smith prefers to wrestle out of the blue corner.
Here's Niklas on the first of many, many carousel rides at Sesame Place.
Andrya and the top of Niklas's head enjoy a ride on Elmo's Flying Fish.
Here's Niklas before he figured out that he didn't really care for the giant drop.
Niklas and Andrya caterpillar it up on the ol' caterpillar ride.
Woooooooo! Carousel! (My review: it's no roller coaster.)
Andrya and the top of Niklas's head take a balloon ride. You can make the cars spin if you want to. Niklas opted for not.
Niklas and Andrya take a trip to Hooper's Store.
This picture of Niklas and Aaron dressed as superheroes and playing in Niklas's sleepy tent illustrates my need to acquire a camera with a flash.
Here's Niklas at Crown Fountain. Moments later, we narrowly avoided a substantial drenching when I mistimed the statue's spitting.
Niklas poses in front of some... art, I assume.
History's greatest killer and it's greatest maker of a mess.
Cloud Gate has the same effect on Niklas as the monolith had on that guy from 2001. (The movie, not some random dude eight years ago.)
Here's Niklas running around (and through) Cloud Gate for the first of about twelve times.
Even when he's away from the beach, Niklas likes to get some sun.
Here are Niklas and I on the new bridge that connects Millennium Park to The Art Institute. (Not pictured, the alleged bridge.)
Here's Niklas with Alice, his particular lady friend of the moment.
Niklas gets some instruction as to who's in charge whilst we're shopping.
Niklas and Telly grab some shut eye on the plane.
Here's Niklas bringing his own particular brand of goofy to Michael and Jill's wedding.
Here's Niklas pretending to put on some lipstick. This one goes straight to into the blackmail folder.
Back in Bermuda, Niklas waits out some rain at the Exploritorium. Snacks make him much more patient.
Here's Niklas checking out the flamingos at the zoo. He does a decent flamingo impression.
Niklas says hi to the sea turtles.
Finally, Niklas is starting to pull his weight. Close to it, anyway.
What a cute smile. Why is Niklas so happy? Fake poop, of course.
2009-06-30: One of Niklas's favorite things to do is look at pictures of himself. Join him, won't you?
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".
Here's Niklas auditioning for the part of baby Moses.