2008-02-04: Here are some exciting pictures from Niklas and my trip down the hill. Also, some other stuff
that is no doubt fascinating. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas takes a break from his ruckus raising for some well earned relaxation.

Once again, a stick triumphs over playground equipment in the battle for Niklas's attention.

Boats? Yeah, we spend some time on boats.

Seconds later, this happened.

Play in the park? Pfft.

Niklas decides to get his Jack Kerouac on.

Niklas enjoys playing with an empty bottle in a parking lot. He's much to urban for Bermuda.

Here's Niklas taking his new shoes out for a stomp.

Pitchers and catchers report next week. Niklas is excited. Well, he's OK with it.

Seriously. There's like two grand in brightly colored plastic in our house that just can't compete.

Moments later, this happened to a random passerby.

Niklas demands the camera. These are the results of
his initial foray into the field of photography.

His inner photobug sated, Niklas insists that we go back inside.
2008-02-08: Sure, there are only two new pictures here, but surely the cake one is cute enough for three at least. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Here, we see the elusive trouble in it's natural habitat. The trouble is picking over the carcass of some cookware.

Here's Niklas throwing down some trouble fuel. CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!
2008-02-10: After the last paltry picture update of two pictures, I feel like I have to step things up. Therefore, here
are three, THREE new pictures. Please to enjoy. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Sea Monster Niklas clutches the remains of ship ill-fated enough to have crossed his path.

Here's Niklas trapped in his own web of deceit, which looks remarkably like the afghan that Dana made for us.

Andrya - "I think he's stuck in there." Me - "Yup."
2008-02-18: Royalty! Presents! Routine business of some sort! For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

King Poop models his crown which, thankfully, is not made of poop.

Here's Niklas plotting the wreaking of outdoor havoc.

This is Niklas with his Valentine's Day present. He apparently found it insufficient as moments later he tried to open mine and Andrya's as

Niklas combines two of his favorite pastimes: reading and ripping stuff up.

Here's Niklas practicing for business meetings in Japan.
2008-02-24: Finally, some progress on the underaged labor (labour, locally) front. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

The caves of Bermuda are protected by mythical creatures of legendary mess making ability.

Look out, dirt. You're about to be Niklased.

Niklas lines up a putt... or something. I don't know much about games that don't allow for significant arm

No son of mine will end up as boot black. Now, practice your chimney sweeping.

Niklas fuels up for some monkey-ish monkeying around.
2008-02-25: Today, Niklas and I took a trip to the playground. Forts were occupied and there was much sliding. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas, in a show of his legendary patience, packs my bag so we can get going already.

The plastic rake signifies that Niklas is the Commander of Ft Warick Long Bay Playground.

Peek! Peek! Peek!

Niklas doesn't need any excercise equipment to prove that he is the one and only Stair Master.

All systems are go for launch.

If I were not terminally lazy, I would embed a "whoosh" sound here. Do me a favor (favour, locally) and say "whoosh!" when you
look at this one.