2008-03-02: Here are some pictures of Niklas, though sadly none of him with the pig. Pig!
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Snack time is always the height of excitement.

Whilst devouring a banana, Niklas mangaged to get some on his shoulder. I have nothing further to report.

Here's Niklas reminding Sketchy whose name is on the chair. (It's Niklas.)

Is Niklas looking forward to St. Patrick's Day? Perhaps not.

Niklas plots some mischief with some sort of railroad marker stone thing.

Here's Niklas tearing it up on his hog. (Not this one.)
2008-03-09: Here's Niklas displaying his many different techniques for stomping about, some of which involve neither
"stomping" or "about".
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Laziness is apparently genetic. Take that, Andrya's genes!

"I am... in disguise."

This is Niklas's Freeze-Frame-From-A-British-Heist-Film-Where-They-Introduce-His-Character face. Heisty!

"My fault? You're the one who gave me the breakable plate!"

Niklas practices for life on a pirate ship.

This is the face of man who's had an excellent trip to the beach.
2008-03-16: Niklas has been from one end of the island to the
other over the past week. Here's some photographic evidence, though you might not be able to tell seeing as
how both ends of the island look the same. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas prepares for stomping about the island by stomping about the house. Stomp.

There is no patience when food is involved.

Niklas participates in the cutest whale stew ever.

Niklas tries to explain to his grandma and great aunt exactly how it's not his fault that he fell into the ocean.

Andrya and soggy Niklas pose for pictures at the scene of Splashdown '08.

Islandwide Niklas takes a much needed nap.

Niklas shows off his lighthouse hair.

Please note how cute Niklas looks and pay no attention to the fact that I let him wander about the lighthouse with no shoes.

Niklas helps himself to the contents of Aunt Con's bag.

Guilty? Yeah, of a wide variety of things.

Here, Grandma Vennard and Aunt Con try to convince Niklas to join them for a picture. This is the best one that they got.

After a long week of wrecking up the island, Niklas likes to wreck up his local beach.

Here's Niklas in the midst of disassembling this guy.

Niklas and Andrya are still good looking even from a couple beaches over.
2008-03-17: Niklas has recently turned the trouble up to eleven, which I guess means that each of these pictures averages out to
2.75 units of trouble.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Here's Niklas sporting his badges of honor from his recent doctor's visit. Also, he has a stolen coffee cup.

Niklas and I enjoy a couple of St. Patrick's Day pints. Apparently, I'm enjoying mine a bit more.

I'm not quite sure what's going on here, but I'm positive that no good can come from it.

Here's Niklas practicing for a career as the new Evel Knievel.