2007-12-09: Here are some pictures wherein we try to make it look like December even though
it's 70 degrees outside. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas is still a couple of years away from taking the ice, which is good given the lack of ice in Bermuda.

"I will not act jolly until I get some food."

I call this picture 'Niklas Too Close To The TV, With Diaper For Some Reason'.

Here's Niklas wearing one of those English Christmas crown things. Yup. Really. I didn't just put a swimmer diaper on his
head, if that's what you're thinking. Let's just move on.

Here's Niklas waiting to get at the St. Nicholas Day loot.

Here he is getting at said loot.

Niklas and Mr. Sheep have formed an alliance. The consequences of this arrangement haven't become evident yet,
but I'll let you know when horrible things start happening to me.
2007-12-12: Here, by popular demand, is the only photo in existence that features both Niklas and Santa Claus... and my
face obscuring arm. Also, there's other stuff. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Behind my arm lurks the face of a man haunted by his darkest fear, a fear of red velvet.

Niklas shows his typical response to my request that he look at the camera.

He's trying to avoid me here, too, but for at least the next few weeks I can still run circles around him.

Ah, Niklas looking cute and sitting on the floor. I would be shocked, SHOCKED if he got into any sort of trouble ever.

Then again, within seconds he could start dragging stuff out of the cabinet.

Here's Niklas having a good laugh at my request that he not drive the train like a crazed engineer who was just released from
the engineer sanitarium and was itching to drive a train in a crazy fashion.

"Just so you know, if you don't get off of the tracks, I'll have to run you down."

Niklas prepares to eat something he found in the grass while the guy who's supposed to stop him doing that kind of thing messes with
a camera.

Christmas Dracula! Run!

Niklas and I train for his inevitable appearance on "Battle Of The Network Stars '42".

No jail can contain this cuteness.
2007-12-16: Here are a couple of pictures of Niklas displaying the skills that will no doubt soon lead to me
digging through the dumpster while looking for the remote control. For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

It's good to see that Niklas takes pride in his work. His cruel, cruel work.

Niklas loads the characters from his Nativity set into a new, ultra-modern manger.