2007-11-12: Two weeks of no picture updates have made me quite unpopular with the grandmotherly set.
Please send any complaints, hate mail, threats, et cetera to Toshiba. Cookies, gifts and cash can be sent to me. Before you get on that,
though, please to enjoy some new
and exciting Niklas action.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

"Snaaaaaaaaack! Woooooo!"

"More more more more more more"

Shoes make Niklas sad or, at the very least, uncheery.

Niklas and I reach a compromise on the show wearing issue.

Niklas has yet to master proper blanket usage.

Niklas is not excited about green beans. Rather, he is excited about the prospect of green bean based messes.

Having defeated the Toshiba, Niklas set to work on the new laptop.

Niklas and Andrya enjoy a walk on the beach.

Niklas Smith Beach Exploration is in business.

Follow these tracks to trouble.

Niklas likes spending time with his mommy.

Niklas prepares to do some baking.
2007-11-13: Sure, trips to the hardware and groceries stores might sound like
tons of fun, but they don't produce much in the way of photo ops. Here are a few non-hardware and
un-grocery pictures.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas has no need for sidewalks.

Niklas uses he long dormant Ninja skills to chop down a palm tree.

I have high hopes that Niklas will soon be able to use his new found "push things around" skills to find
some sort of gainful employment.
2007-11-21: I was up early today so you'll have to make up your own joke here. Make it good, too. We have
standards, you know.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas spends some time in the penalty box as I clean some Pepsi off the floor.

Niklas uses the force to move giant rocks around. Not Pictured: said giant rocks

Niklas laughs in the face of rain and high winds.

Any day without pants is a good day for Niklas.

Here's Niklas in a basket that's been awake for eighteen hours. Me not think good sleep without.
2007-11-25: Pictures are to this update as mashed potatoes were to Niklas on Thanksgiving.
You heard me.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Cookies for breakfast is an appropriate way to kick off the holiday season.

"You want a picture? I've got a picture for ya."

Here's... umm... Niklas and a rock.

This is Niklas's "I'm humoring you" face.

This is his "Daddy, you need a haircut and would it kill you to shave?" face.

Here's Niklas keeping a sharp lookout for his enemies.

Niklas, though always happy to see Andrya, grows impatient for Thanksgiving dinner to start.

"This looks sufficient. Did you make something for you guys to eat?"

"Gimmie the food, gimmie the food, gimmie the food!"

Niklas finds "Shapes" to be the height of comedic literature.

Niklas attempts to bring some class to the beach.

"So am I going to be allowed to crawl around in the sand or not?"

Niklas runs down his reasons for not having any more pictures taken.

Here's Niklas after his well reasoned points were ignored.

"I can't wait to eat this sand."

Niklas has a good laugh upon hearing that the forecast for Chicago includes snow.

Andrya and Niklas, outclassing me as always.