2007-10-02: Andrya's been out of town for almost four days and still no major crap-ups (figuratively,
there have been literal crap-ups). As proof of the well ordered lives Niklas and I are leading until Andrya gets back,
I offer you these photos.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

This is Niklas's "I'm a good boy" face. I see it a lot but only because he uses it when he's causing trouble
as well as when he's being good.

This is his "I want you to believe I'm being good but really I'm about to trouble it up big time and I can't
contain myself" face.

Niklas battles royale with a hippo. Afterwards, they went out for beers and didn't even invite me.

This is Niklas's "I'm stuck with this guy and this guy alone for almost five days?" face.

Here's Niklas making a mockery of the makeshift security barriers I've set up throughout the house.
2007-10-09: Here are some pictures of Niklas being cute and some of him dressed to suit his mood
as impacted lately by new tooth emergence.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

"You are suspicious. I suspect you."

Here are Andrya and Niklas on our new balcony. Niklas has yet to cause any trouble out there, but it's really
only a matter of time.

Draco King Of Dragonmen checks his enemies list. Unlike your traditional dragons who prefer smiting their foes
with fire, Draco prefers to use poop.

The royal butt or, if you will, the Draconis Butt Royale.

Niklas enjoys some reading. Havoc is easier to wreak when you're well informed.
2007-10-14: In polite society, pants are required for gentlemen at all times. Niklas
rejects the conventions of polite society.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas considers the various methods he could use to wreak havoc upon the ocean.

Niklas wreaks havoc indoors.

Niklas decides that diapers are no longer necessary for a man of his advanced age.

Here, Niklas takes things a bit further.

Sadly, this photo is representative of the average diaper change these days.

"For some reason, I find the temperature to be too cool for my liking."

Here's a rare shot of Niklas playing with his toys in lieu of the remote control, my laptop or some zip lock bags.

This is his "I've caused a bunch of trouble, but aren't I cute?" face.

"Mommy, can you make him stop with all the picture taking?"

"How you doin'?"
2007-10-21: When not occupied with maintaining his poop-a-minute pace, Niklas has been
looking cute and causing the trouble.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas is convinced that there are secret pirate hideouts in our house that contain untold riches.

These feet are much cuter when they're not kicking me in my personal business.

"Yeah, I like to kick."

"Compute! Compute! Compute!"

Niklas enjoys controlling the television from remote locations.

Dissatisfied with daytime programming, Niklas attempts to destroy the television.

No good can come from the combination of Niklas and heavy artillery.

Behold! The butt of Niklas!

Behold! The face of trouble!
2007-10-23: Today featured both beach excitement and playing with large boxes. These pictures
feature none of that.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas auditions for the role of Adam.

Niklas tries to enjoy his music player despite some jerk's attempts at tickling him.

Here's a rare, rare instance of Niklas and I not hard, hard at work.

"One day, God willing, I will be able to make a mess like this."
2007-10-28: So no, I didn't take the camera to Niklas's public Halloween-ish debut. I did take
some pictures with him playing with a box, though, so I'm sure that more than makes up for it, right? Right?
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas considers moving into his own two story place.

Here's where an infrared camera would have shown something like this.

Niklas is searching for treasure.

Niklas is excited at the prospect of doing some remote controlling.

Here's Niklas re-enacting a scene from Star Trek.

Niklas enjoys some high speed diaper box racing.

Andrya sings Niklas a cute song about how he's her little pumpkin, so she thinks this shirt is pretty awesome.