2007-07-04:Here are a few pictures that do not feature today's poopriotic fireworks display.
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Niklas has a good laugh about all of the messes he's made lately.

Niklas is intrigued.

Niklas enjoys some quality time with the squeaky duck.
2007-07-10:Niklas has some new pajamas. There aren't any pictures of them here, I just thought
you should know. I'm sleepy.
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Niklas enjoys some robe action. This was immediately preceded by some "wreck up my clothes with poop" action.

Niklas shows off his awesome dinosaur ensemble. His favorite dinosaur is the stegosaurus.

That is one fine looking hat.

Oh, dear God, no! Noooooooooooo!

Niklas simultaneously impersonates Spiderman and one of those tiny lizards.

This is Niklas's new thing while eating. I don't know what that's about.
2007-07-18:So the pack-n-play used to be in front of the cds. Then
Niklas started trying to eat the fake rocks in the fire place.
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Here's Niklas being good. Don't get used to that.

Here's Mobilicus not necessarily causing trouble, but look into his eyes. He's up to something.

Arrgh! I knew you were up to something!

Well, i'm glad that's over. What? Oh, crap.

Gah! Gaaaaaaaaaaaah!.

Why? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?

Eh. At least it's a DVD this time. Oh, it's a DVD of music videos. Noooooooo!

Well, after all of that trouble, someone's got some chores to do.
2007-07-25:I suspect that Niklas will one day enjoy the antics of Sesame Street's Count. "One! One new picture! Ah hah hah!"
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as". Yes, I know there's only
one new picture but I'm too tired right now to rework the preceding statement.

If you see only one picture of Niklas today, make it this one of him eating a duck.
2007-07-31:I know it's hard to believe, but we were recently able to take some pictures of the
ever elusive Niklas.
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Niklas plans to ship himself to Bermuda and pocket the airfare.

Here's Niklas changing his mind about box-based travel upon hearing about Fed Ex's lack of in-flight snacks.

Man, if I could get him to make this face with that hair, this picture would be perfect.

Here's Niklas in the midst of some bathtub based moshing.

Here's Andrya with her little monkey-man. Monkey Man is also one of my favorite Rolling Stones songs, but that's
neither here nor there as Niklas prefers the Who to the Stones.

Duck is good eating. As true today as it was last week.