2007-08-04:Here are some pictures of Niklas looking good in long pants and also no pants. Short
pants are right out.
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Here's Niklas inquiring as to the possibility of a successful Illini football season.

Upon hearing the answer, Niklas tries to flee his preordained Illini fandom.

The team may be awful, but at least Niklas looks good in orange and blue.

Pants? Those are for suckers.

"Oh, Bangles, I've been looking for you..."

"This is what you get for stealing my socks!"
2007-08-19: Here are several pictures of Niklas having a good time, including a couple with special
guest stars and me battling royale with baby toy packaging.
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Niklas is a lot taller than he was at this time last year. Still, I'm not concerned that he'll
be raiding my closet any time soon.

Niklas pities the fool who doesn't think his hair looks awesome.

Niklas and Andrya are back in black.

Here's a another picture of Andrya and Niklas. Why? Because they look good, that's why.

Niklas's affinity for Wolverine goes beyond his razor-like claws.

Niklas is psyched for a burrito run.

Here's the awesome train cake Andrya made for Niklas's birthday party.

You know what I like? Sugar. Niklas concurs.

Niklas tears into the birthday loot.

"A big pile of loot and a hammer with which to bludgen my enemies? This is the best birthday ever!"

Niklas and Aaron: The greatest alliance since the Megapowers.

Niklas and Aaron enjoy playing with some new toys. Also pictured, me struggling to remove further toys from
their venus flytrap-esque packaging.

"This cake appeals to my palate. Perhaps I will consume a bit more."

"Sugar! More sugar!"

The aftermath.

Niklas has no use for napkins.

Niklas is a big fan of cake.

This is a combination of genuine happiness and sugar high.

Niklas is hands down the best zebra rider in the house.
2007-08-29:Who's too tired for joke writing? What? Yes, those are supposed to be jokes
in all the other picture entries. Just be quiet.
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I, uh, I've got nothing.

Here's Niklas looking good. He's also trying to eat some plastic bananas, but the good looking part is what
we should focus on.

Niklas contemplates all the messes he could make if he was allowed outside unsupervised. Laws are for the
protection of the people.

Mere moments later, this candle was on the floor. Also pictured, a deceptively innocent looking Niklas.

Niklas is a big fan of Tammy's, as are Andrya and I.
