2007-06-04:Here are a bunch of pictures of Niklas showing off his two working arms.
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Niklas is ready for mini camps to start.

Niklas participates in his favorite pastime.

Hey, it's those two good looking people I live with.

Niklas comes to the sad realization that these are not actual bananas.

Niklas, much like me, finds monkeys to be hilarious.


Niklas demonstrates what happens when you sleep with you head against a crib rail.

Here's Niklas all dressed up for a trip to his stylist.

Niklas mocks my broken arm.

Niklas is pleased with his haircut.
2007-06-12:And now, pictures of the rolliest of the rolly polleys.
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Niklas shows an ominous level of interest in the entertainment center.

Niklas takes a break from flopping around on the floor to do some lookin' good.

Here's Niklas rapidly losing interest in photography.

I call this picture "Prelude to Niklas eats chicken".

Here, Niklas takes his first ever bite of meat as he enjoys some chicken.

Did I say "enjoy"? That was an error on my part, all apologies.

After a hard day of eating chicken, Niklas likes to relax sans clothing.

Here's Niklas's impression of a moray eel. I think he's playing it too cute.

How did Niklas find his way into this corner? I dunno.
2007-06-13:Here's that guy who's been grabbing people's feet lately, Niklas Wayne Smith.
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Niklas enjoys not wearing socks.

Why so many pictures of Niklas eating? That's like asking why there are so many pictures of
Mario Lemieux playing hockey.

Drinks are on the house. They're also on the shirt and the floor.
2007-06-20:You know who we've been taken a lot of pictures of lately? Niklas.
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Niklas has mastered sitting around. Next up? The remote.

Niklas enjoys wearing clothes that draw attention to his butt.

Here's Niklas looking guilty for some reason. I suspect that he's left us a surprise somewhere.

Niklas shows off the awesome outfit he got from his Godfather. Also, he's yelling.

Tonight, in a heavyweight battle royale, it's Puckbutt vs Dinosaur.

Niklas always likes to cuddle with his mommy.

That face? That face right there? Looks like trouble to me.
2007-06-24:Bath time fun, sort of crawling, poop, this update has it all.
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Here's Niklas trying to look reputable. I guess he comes close.

Niklas inchworms his way toward his all time favorite place to sit.

Cap'n Mess looks for new lands to plunder or, more likely, defile with spitup and poop.

Poop! Hee-hee! Note that per the request of just about everyone, I've replaced the poop with something cuter.

Niklas is excited to be in an approved splash zone.

Will messing with Niklas's hair ever not be funny? No. No it will not.

Niklas finds the bathtub to be a fabulous good time.

See? That wasn't a lie like the whole loving of chicken thing.