2008-09-02: Niklas Wayne knows how to rock the potty. Also, the party, but I hear there's still
several days before any cake makes an appearance.
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Here is Niklas, the potty and most importantly, the potty instruction manual.

Niklas has yet to master the art of not putting your hands in the toilet.

Stop looking at my boy's boys.
2008-09-07: Here are some pictures of Niklas enjoying cookies. Also pictured, some other stuff
that interests Niklas much less than cookies.
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Niklas completes the latest in his series of great works. Not pictured, the great work he did on the carpet.

Argh! A ghost! Oh, it's just Niklas, I'm ok.

Eeeeek! Ghost!

Niklas and I were bored the other day, so we put some socks on his hands. There's no joke here.

Wait, wait, wait...

Wait, wait, wait...

Cookie! Cookiecookiecookiecookiecookie!

As long as Niklas holds his hands up, USA Hockey CANNOT LOSE.

Niklas is laughing because he's about to slam the door in my face. Funny stuff, pal.
2008-09-13: PAAAAAAAAARTY! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Here are a bunch of pictures from Niklas's birthday
and from when we did some of the same stuff we did today last week. Follow that? Too bad.
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Niklas enjoys nothing so much as the driving of the wheel.

Niklas loves to walk up unnecessary stairs, but insists on being carried up to the house when I'm bringing in
groceries. He'll pay for this one day.

Niklas's dedication to driving and personable demeanor have automatically disqualified him from employment with the

Here's Niklas doing his part to reduce Bermuda's dependence on foreign oil.

Since he's now a worldly man of two, Niklas had Cheerios with milk for breakfast this morning. I, on the other hand,
had Fruity Pebbles.


Niklas and Blanky wait patiently for me to get a move on so the birthday festivities can commence.

And here we are after said patience has worn out.

At least Niklas is all about the safety.

Here's Niklas discussing Bermuda's volcanic origins with top scientists.

Here's Niklas with his birthday lunch of cluck-clucks, fries and immense amounts of some sort of honey
based dipping sauce.


Niklas looks disgruntled here on account of how his cake eating was repeatedly interrupted by the

Niklas is still working on proper driving etiquette. He's got things like lane changes and turn signals down,
but proper attire is an issue.
2008-09-16: So here's a picture of Niklas I took a while ago and didn't post. There are probably
a bunch of new pictures on the camera, but who knows where that is. Me, I guess, but here's this, anyway.
For any pictures you want to print (which one will it be?), just right click on them and select "save target as".

Here's Niklas rocking the big boy swing. On an unrelated note, he took a big boy pee on the floor today.
2008-09-21: Here are some pictures that show why the Steelers' offense is inept. Well, they don't,
but my point remains valid.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Here's Niklas enjoying both his car and some pants.

Here's Niklas helping Andrya open the present he got her for her birthday.

And here he is absconding with said present.

Boo-boo bear helps Niklas out after another run in with the door.
While we did keep Niklas from smashing up St. George's, we couldn't do anything about the Hurricane of 1926 which busted up
what was to be the new Anglican Church.

2008-09-28: Since he turned two, we've been pretty adamant about making Niklas walk everywhere
instead of being carried. I don't think his displeasure with this policy adequately comes across in any of these
pictures. Try yelling to yourself while you look at them.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas says "hello" to one of the zoo's Galapagos turtles before telling the turtle all about
how messy its face is. (How messy is it? According to Niklas, quite.)

Here's Niklas good-naturedly strolling about the air base.

A ride on the seesaw nearly makes up for the earlier forced march.

Inspired by his trip to the air base, Niklas keeps a lookout for Nazis.