2007-04-01:Niklas has no time for April Fool's foolishness. All statements made below
should be construed as fact.
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We had hoped Niklas would break camp with the
big club, but it looks like he'll start the season in

"Gah! Do not take my picture when my hair looks like this!"

Niklas is always happy to hang out with Andrya.

Here's Niklas on his new playmat. I have nothing further to report.

Niklas laughs hysterically at my repartee... fine, he's laughing at something that makes a crinkly sound.

Here's Niklas surrounded by more color than I can stand. Black is the new black.

After a hard day, Niklas likes to knock back a bottle.
2007-04-09:Here are a few pictures of Niklas from Easter. Enjoy these this year, because
next year he'll be too sugar fueled for the camera to capture.
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This is Niklas finishing off the last of the breast milk. So begins the awful, awful poop era.

Niklas hopes to look this good in eighty nine and a half years.

Here's Niklas before the sweater vest puts the icing on the cake of A)cuteness or B)dorkiness.

Here's Niklas looking as good as he could hope with such a haberdasharial disadvantage.


Andrya and Niklas carry the load in this picture.

After fifty or so Easter pictures, Niklas has had enough.
2007-04-15:Niklas has been hanging around the house lately. Well, he's been doing that pretty
much for the last seven months. Here's what some instances of out hanging look like.
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Niklas is ecstatic about the impending eating of some food by him, Niklas.

"You don't know how to frame a picture. Give me that camera!"

Here's a rare picture of a happy person wearing Pirates gear.

Here's me watching the Penguins while Niklas ponders weighty issues concerning man's struggle against himself.

Here's Niklas celebrating a Penguins' win with Mr. Moo.

Here's Niklas enjoying his playmat. I've got nothing.
2007-04-29:I still haven't been able to get a picture of Niklas's tooth. I have several of
his tongue and lower lip, but I think the following are more interesting.
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Here's Niklas having fun with his grandma. She always told me not to stick my tongue out at
anyone. I sense a double standard.

Here's Niklas showing off his wrestling skills. This was taken just after he did a somersault off of the

Here's Niklas looking good in one of my hats. Also pictured, my (sadly unsuccessful) playoff beard.

Niklas can now drink his juice bottles by himself. Andrya and I will be obsolete by mid-June.

Now here's a man with good looking hair.