2007-02-02:Niklas has been quite tolerant of the picture taking lately. He must get
that from Andrya.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Niklas models a new hat I've designed. I'm still working out the details.
Niklas shows off his shirt that commemorates the beating the Phantoms took in Minnesota.

Duck! It's the duck! Hooray! (I am much more excited about the duck than Niklas, apparently.)

Viceroy Quackers and Niklas engage in a constructive dialogue.
Niklas displays his disdain for his left sock.

Niklas loves Andrya's rendition of The Itsy Bitsy Spider.

Niklas Smith: Still Not Adept At Standing

Niklas Smith: Skilled At Lying Around

Niklas Smith: Not As Skilled At Sitting
2007-02-12:Niklas has started charging five bucks a picture. You can send me cash directly.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

This is Niklas's "thoughtful/introspective" look. He's the next Jordan Catalano.

Niklas is shocked. Shocked! I'm not sure why.

Believe it or not, this hair came out of a spray can.

Still with the shocked.

The blurriness symbolizes the potential of youth, or maybe the potential to turn on the flash.

Niklas is less excited than I am about the picture taking.
2007-02-21:Look at all of these great pictures involving Niklas's high chair. The six hours
it took to assemble it were totally worth it.
For any pictures you want to print, just right click on them and select "save target as".

Here's Niklas looking all suave on Valentine's Day. "How you doin'?".

This is Niklas's polite "get that camera out of my face" face.

I am not high in this picture. Niklas either, as far as I know, but he seems to have the munchies.

"Ha HA! With this device I will take over the world! Tremble before me, mortals!"

Here's Niklas, somewhat exasperated at how long it takes to get a spoonful of cereal.

"Eat, eat, eat... I like to eat."